On February 23, 1951, almost five years to the day from the
beginning of the campaign, the War Memorial Gymnasium was unofficially
opened. |
The Herculite doors swung open to admit basketball spectators for the Evergreen conference basketball games. In an article appearing in the Ubyssey newspaper, John Napier-Hemy offered the following observations on the new gymnasium: The inverted roof focussed spectator attention on the large springy
floor. Throughout the $750,000 structure the emphasis has been on glass,
which is both attractive and relatively cheap. Herculite doors, a ramp-like
entrance, projecting stairs and an overall hanger-like appearance lend
the gym an impression of striking modernity, which is in contrast to
the staid, conservative architecture of other campus buildings. |
The following year the building won a Massey Silver Medal for its design. |
Front page | The Students'
Vision | Fundraising Campaign | The
Architects' Vision | Under Construction |