Visit - 1959
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and His Royal Highness The Prince Philip dined with
representatives of the entire University family in the splendour of U.B.C.’s
new faculty club on July 15. |

Representatives of the senate, the board of governors, the deans and faculty, the
student body and the employed and secretarial staff were invited to the formal banquet
planned by faculty club manager Stephan Carrol. |
Her Majesty arrived at the club shortly before 6 p.m. and the royal party occupied
the entire social suite until 7 p.m. when the president and chancellor Dal Grauer
escorted Her Majesty and Prince Philip to the recreation area adjacent to the banquet
hall. |

At the reception the Queen met representatives of the University family before
being seated for dinner.
The menu consisted of shrimp, roast tenderloin of beef, endive salad, fresh strawberries
and coffee. Special pastries were baked at the faculty club. |
Following the toast to the Queen the president rose to announce that the University
had received a gift of $50,000 from B.C. lumberman H.R. MacMillan to provide scholarships
for graduate students.
The scholarships will be for graduate work in any field at U.B.C. The first five
awards will be made in September.
Mr. MacMillan's gift was made to commemorate the visit of the Queen to Canada and
because of the known interest of the Queen and Prince Philip in students. |

The Queen left at 8:05 p.m. for a "Theatre Under the Stars"
performance in Stanley Park. Large crowds of people gathered outside the club both
before and after the dinner to cheer the royal couple.
From: The U.B.C. Alumni Chronicle (Autumn 1959),
pp. 20-21.
(UBC Archives photograph #'s 1.1/2639(1-4),
1.1/2640(1,2), 1.1/2776, 1.1/12867, 23.1/541) |
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