The WILU 37 Planning Committee would like to thank all delgates and presenters for contributing to an excellent conference.
Resources from WILU 37:
John Willinsky's Keynote address is available at: http://ubco.tv/frontend2.php?cm=movies/WiluPlenarySession.flv
Many presenters have provided us with documents from their presentations. You can access these on the program page and in E-LIS at: http://tinyurl.com/5nb8tc
We are pleased to announce that Concordia University will host WILU in 2009!

For more information contact:
Olivier Charbonneau
Accounting and DSMIS Subject Librarian
848-2424, ext. 7362
Patrick Labelle
Instruction/Reference Librarian
514-848-2424, ext. 7685
Cameron Hoffman
Information Literacy Liaison Librarian
848-2424, ext. 7748

UBC Okanagan is an intimate learning environment nestled in the wine country of south-central British Columbia. Join us in the sunny Okanagan valley where WILU 37 will celebrate innovative approaches and fresh practices for dynamic campus learning. The conference will encourage inventive presentations to mirror original, edgy practices. Participants and presenters will enjoy many opportunities to drink deeply from the pool of collective instructional knowledge and experience.
UBC Okanagan offre un environnement d'apprentissage intime au pays des vignobles dans le sud de la Colombie-Britannique centrale. Venez vous joindre à nous sous le soleil dans la vallée de l'Okanagan où WILU 37 célébrera des approches innovatrices et de nouvelles pratiques relatives à l'apprentissage dynamique sur notre campus. Ce colloque encouragera des présentations créatrices afin de refléter des pratiques originales de pointe. Les participantes et participants, ainsi que les conférencières et conférenciers, profiteront de plusieurs occasions de boire profondément de la fontaine des connaissances instructives et de l'expérience collectives.
WILU 2008 Committee
c/o Marjorie Mitchell
UBC Okanagan Library
3333 University Way
Kelowna, B.C. Canada V1V 1V7
250-807-9147 |