Walter H. Gage Residence
- Location:
- 5959 Student Union Boul Wesbrook Mall
- Date:
- Original construction: 1972
Addition - Low-rise apartment block: 1984
- Architect:
- Reno C. Negrin
- Cost:
- 1972: $8,000,000
1984: approx $6.5 million
- Sources of funds:
- 1972: C.M.H.C. loan and Department of Student Housing and Conferences
1984: $5 million through a mortgage while the reminder from the development
fund established by Department of Student Housing and Conferences.
- Architectural features:
- This building is made
of in-situ concrete with little relief except for sculptured triangle forms.
- Name History:
- This building is named after Dr. Walter Henry
Gage at 1971 in honour of his fiftieth year of services at UBC.
- Construction Type:
- Concrete
- Notes:
They can house 1419 beds.
It is widely used by conference groups in summer.
The complex includes a 17-storey tower, a single floor Common Block and 3,4, and 5-storey low-rise apartments.
The Commuter Hostel amenity began on September 21, 2009.
- Sources:
- Ceremonies Office; Fine Arts Pamphlet Files; UBC
Buildings(Campus Planning); UBC Reports (Vol.29, #18)
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