Ponderosa Centre
- Location:
- 2071 West Mall
- Date:
- 1963
- Architect:
- Thompson, Berwick & Pratt
- Cost:
- n/a
- Sources of funds:
- n/a
- Architectural features:
- This two-floor building is similar to
the style and details of the Graduate Student Centre (Thea Koerner
House). Its concrete spandrel walls surround the building while
its windows are screened by massive cedar sun breakers.
- Building users:
Foods Services Offices, University Computing services, Telecommunications
- Construction Type:
- Concrete
- Name History :
- It was previously referred as the Ponderosa
- Notes:
- This building was planned to be a restaurant originally, but is now utilized
as administration offices.
- Sources:
- Fine
Arts Phamplet Files; UBC Buildings (Campus Planning)
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